Kicking Cancer at Marlborough Sports Garden

Kicking Cancer gives those living with cancer the opportunity to play walking football and stay as active and sociable as they can.

The initiative is the brainchild of 77 year old Tony Linforth-Hall - who co-ordinated a weekly walking football team Pride of Lions at our Marlborough Sports Garden.

Six years ago, Tony was diagnosed with a blood cancer, Hodgkin Lymphoma. He had been playing walking football for several years and was, therefore, fit, and strong at the time of his diagnosis. He decided to continue to play the sport and found that it made a tremendous difference to him. Staying fit helped Tony cope better with the treatment plus he had the benefit and comfort of the support of his team.

People living with cancer can become very introspective but Tony’s involvement with his club ensured that this never happened to him. It was through these experiences that Tony conceived the idea of offering these benefits to other cancer patients, and to devise the idea of Kicking Cancer.

The benefits of Kicking Cancer walking football

  • Improvement in outlook that comes from the support and companionship of a team.

  • Improvement in physical condition that comes from regular exercise that is fun as well as healthy, making it easier to cope with treatment.

  • The comfort and reassurance of sharing experiences informally with fellow cancer patients. 

The idea for Kicking Cancer was discussed with The Walking Football Association (the WFA) who agreed to adopt and promote it nationally.

Unfortunately, Tony is no longer able to play, but he continues to attend matches when he is strong enough to do so. The camaraderie is important for him. Tony’s club, Pride of Lions, plays every week at the Marlborough Sports Garden on Union Street in the heart of Southwark. Bankside Open Spaces Trust is delighted to support the team to help ensure sessions are free. The team recently showed off their skills and encouraged others to join Walking Football with an exhibition game at our Bankside Open Spaces Festival (BOSFest). The game was opened by Mayor of Southwark Cllr Michael Situ - see image below.

Can you support Walking Football and Kicking Cancer?

Kicking Cancer are looking for the co-operation of organisations which are active in the areas of treatment and/or support of men and women living with cancer. If they can encourage their patients to get in touch with us, arrangements can be made to welcome them to the weekly sessions.

 To find out more email


Mary Trafford